Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fundamentals On Database Management Systems - 2381 Words

Research on Database Fundamentals Fundamentals on Database Management Systems Data and Information Data are raw facts of the block of information. To be reminded that all the data will not useful information. Useful information is fulfilled from processed data. Specially, data is to be explained in order to gain information. Database A database is a well-ordered collection of data that are linked in a meaningful way, which can be contacted in diï ¬â‚¬erent logical orders. A collection of related data with †¢ logically coherent structure †¢ inherent meaning †¢ purpose, for intended users and applications †¢ varying size †¢ scope, content of varying breadth †¢ physical organization of varying complexity †¢ various applications with†¦show more content†¦DBMS: a collection of general objective, application individual programs determining services to †¢ Deï ¬ ne the structure of a database: data types and restraint that the data have to satisfy. †¢ Manage the storage of data, safely for long limits of time †¢ Manipulate a database, with effective user interfaces to query the database to regain speciï ¬ c data, update the database to reproduce changes in the world, and generate reports from the data. †¢ Manage database usage: users with their access rights, performance optimization, sharing of data among several users, security from accidents or unauthorized use. †¢ Monitor and analyze database usage. Using above Database, can highlight Important Functions on a Database †¢ Structure deï ¬ nition: declare 5 ï ¬ les or relations + data types, e.g. Student (StudName, StudentNo, Class, Dept) †¢ Population: input data about speciï ¬ c students, courses, prerequisites, Querying o Which are the prerequisites of the Database course? o List students who got grade 14 or 16 for the Database course in 1993 †¢ Reporting: prepare diplomas, with standard text, interspersed with name of student, courses taken, name of degree, grades, etc. †¢ Modiï ¬ cation, update of population o Create a new session for the Database course o Enter a grade 16 for Smith in the Database Session †¢ Modiï ¬ cation of structure, of schema o Create

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